Roles and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

Roles and Responsibilities of CDC Board of Directors Positions

The Board of Directors are to exercise all the powers and do all the acts that the society may exercise and do subject to all laws affecting the society, CDC Constitution and By‐Laws, rules as made from time by the society in the general meeting.


Chief Executive officer of the society who supervises the other officers in the execution of their duties as well as presides over all meetings of the board.

Vice President

Carries out the duties of the President in his/her absence.


Supervises the correspondence of the society; issues notices of meetings of the society and directors; keeps minutes of all meetings of the society and directors; ensures safe custody of all records and documents; ensures safe custody of the common seal of the society; and ensures the maintenance of the register of members.


Keeps financial records, including books of account necessary to comply with the Society Act, and renders financial statements to the directors, members and other when required.

Note: Secretary/Treasurer may be held as a single position; however, the board must still maintain a minimum of six members.

Medical Director (Ex‐officio member)

Has no vote; shall attend all meetings of the directors; may be a member of any committee of directors.

Executive Director (Ex‐officio member)

Has no vote; shall attend all meetings of the directors; shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of directors.